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Lexicon of the Eagles

(the mighty bird, not the band)

Left: (one of a pair), Italian Baroque Painted and Parcel Gilt Torcheres, early 18th century Right: Eagle, Getty Antiquities Collection, 100-200 AD

As we fly higher than an eagle, with the wind beneath our wings (we hope!), we remember that this archetype of freedom in the United States is preceded by mythical roles and responsibilities. A symbol of tremendous might and power, the roots of the eagle's archetype rests in, of course, Greco-Roman mythologies. The eagle, for both Jupiter and Zeus' incarnations, was the messenger who delivered thunderbolts, heralded victory, carried globes, and from time to time, might even embody the god himself as a shape-shifted winged majesty. We see the vernacular of these birds of prey revived in the 18th century, all over Italy. And if we imagine what was happening then… say, the heights of empires and global conquests, we can understand the potency and suggestion of power through just the sculpture itself. These particular eagles stand at the ready, and are larger than life. The Getty Antiquities collection displays an early representation, from around 100 AD, and stands roughly 4' tall. Our pair, from the revival period, stand at 6' tall with a 4' wingspans. To say the least, these aren't desk objects. They were meant to be impactful in the palazzo, or aristocrat's hall. They also come with torcheres, candle sleeves ever present - making these the ultimate in fire and power. Again and again, we are delighted and curious about these visual lexicons, straight from the deities to those invoking them. These are quite unique, in or outside of a museum. They are now ready to be released into flight. You are invited to view these in person in our galleries on La Cienega, and online.




719 North La Cienega Bl LA CA 90069, opposite Melrose Place


Branding & Site by NICACELLY

Klismos Chair photography by Justin Siplin
Forbes photography by Victor Koroma

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